Glossary Item Box

Squirrelcart v5.5.0

Control Panel

Loading the Control Panel
  1. Login as admin
    In order to use the control panel, you must be logged in as a user with administrative privileges. The Logging in for the First Time topic explains how to login as admin.
  2. Click Control Panel link
    After logging in, a new Admin Options navigation box should appear on your storefront page, which looks something like this:

    Click the Control Panel link
Control Panel Overview
All management activity is done using Squirrelcart's control panel. This is where you can change your settings, view your products, categories, orders, customers, and all other components of your store. The control panel consists of a toolbar, content area, and status bar.
control panel  
Toolbar Overview


  1. Storefront
    Link to storefront page
  2. Products
    Link to menu used to manage your products and product options
  3. Categories
    Link to menu used to manage your categories 
  4. Orders
    Link to menu used to manage orders
  5. Shipping
    Link to menu used to manage all aspects of shipping, and to access shipping related tools
  6. Users
    Link to manage users and groups
  7. Tools
    Link to database tools and diagnostic utilities.
  8. Settings
    Link to menu used to manage various settings
  9. Modules
    Link to module specific settings
  10. Print
    Link to print current page without the menu or copyright notice
  11. Help
    Link to Squirrelcart help and support online
  12. Logout
    Link to logout current user
  13. Version
    This indicates the version of Squirrelcart your store is running
  14. Version Status Indicator
    This indicates the status of your version compared to the latest available version of Squirrelcart.

    Indicates you are running the latest version of Squirrelcart

     Solid Yellow
    Indicates your version is 1 or more minor versions behind. Example: Your version is 5.3.1 and the current version is 5.3.6

     Flashing Yellow
    Indicates your version is 1 or more intermediate versions behind. Example: Your version is 5.3.1 and the current version is 5.5.2

    Indicates that your version is one or more major versions behind. Example: Your version is 5.3.1 and the current version is 6.0.0


Status Messages

Squirrelcart displays status messages at the top of the page in an unobtrusive fashion. There are 5 different types of status messages, which are color coded based on their meaning.

Success Messages


Success messages appear after an action you requested has been completed successfully. They appear in green.


Success messages automatically hide after they appear, so they do not get in your way. When hidden, a status icon remains in the upper left hand corner:

Moving your mouse over that icon will bring the status message back, in case you didn't have time to read it.


Info Messages


Info messages are informational only. They are used to provide general information that is not critical. They appear in blue.


Alert Messages


Alert messages are used to display warnings that are not technically errors. They may alert you to a minor problem that does not reach the level of an error.


Error Messages

Error messages indicate a problem has occurred, and appear in red.

Status Bar Overview


  1. Save Button
    This button will appear whenever you are working on a record in the control panel. It is used to save your changes.
  2. PHP parse time
    This shows the amount of time in seconds that it took PHP to put together the current page.
  3. MySQL query count
    This shows the number of queries that were made against your database in order to put together the current page.
  4. History Button
    Clicking this button will toggle the History Dialog window on and off.
  5. History Dialog
    This dialog window shows you information about things that have been done in the control panel for this visit. Newer entries are on top. The record links that appear here provide a quick way to get back to a particular record you were working on to make additional changes.



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